Oct 1
Bid ended

16-1011 CALHOUN COUNTY EFL-0820(9)B CR 306 #10385

Calhoun Co., MS (T-NR-E)


Bidding Closed

Bid Date10/1/21 10:00am

Company & Contacts

Willis Engineering
Chodie T. Myers, Jr.  

Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Supervisors of Calhoun County, Mississippi at the Calhoun County Courthouse, Pittsboro, Mississippi until 10:00 AM on the 1st day of October, 2021 and shortly thereafter publicly opened for the construction of 4.763 miles of bridge , box bridge, & approches on CR NO. 306 being known as project NO. EFL-0820 (9) B in Calhoun County, Mississippi.