Oct 21
Bid ended

SYNTHETIC TURF on Double Decker and Ebbetts Fields at mTrade Park #10430

Oxford, MS (T-NR-E)


Bidding Closed

Bid Date10/21/21 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

City of Oxford, MS
Mark Levy  

Individuals may submit bids via hand-delivery, US Mail, or electronic submission. All submissions are due on Wednesday, May 26, 2021. Sealed envelopes should be labeled “South Lamar Property Sale”. The offer inside the sealed envelope shall include the individual’s offer for the purchase of the Property, and the individual’s name, address, email, and phone number. Electronic bids may be uploaded to: www.oxfordmsbids.com

WHAT TO INCLUDE IS SUBMISSION: Individuals must include bid form available for download at
www.oxfordmsbids.com and a bid bond or certified check for 5% of the amount of the offer. Bids that do not include bid bond will not be considered.

AND REVIEWED:May 26, 2021

QUESTIONS: For technical questions regarding the downloading or submission of the bid form, please contact tupelo@planhouseprinting.com
or (662) 407-0193. For questions regarding the property, please contact Mark Levy at mlevy@oxfordms.net.

Upon review, the highest and best offer will be considered by the Lafayette County Supervisors and the Board of Alderman. Bids are expected to be greater than the appraised value, appraisal fee, survey fee, advertisement fee, and attorney’s fees. If no adequate offers are submitted, the property will be sold by different means as provided by law. The Mayor and Board of Alderman and Board of Supervisors reserve the right to reject any and all submissions and to waive any and all informalities.
Advertisement dates:
May 9th
May 16th
May 23rd